As it says in the title really. Husband John was worse, far worse than me as he was digging grass up to make way for the new flower bed. We started off by marking out the bed with the mini picket fencing.
So once set out he started digging, and it was hard as the ground was very dry and lo and behold we have clay soil, so it took him a long time to make any kind of progress. In 6 hours he managed to get about 3/4 of the way down. So now the garden looks something like this.
So I've soaked what's been dug up as it needs forking over and manure, compost and sharp sand dug into it to improve the soil before planting. I had a relatively easy day I planted up 2 scented pelargoniums and 2 ladybird poppy plants, popped out to get more weed supressant fabric and made lunch.
My best mate Emma and her husband, uni friend and mum and dad turned up on their way to France on holidays, I'm keeping their car safe and picking them up forom the airport on the 14th, so it was great to see them, they had a mooch around the garden and now Emma's husband Garry is thinking about decking for their garden!
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