Bit of an odd one today, I managed to get locked in the house, I have a painful skin tag on my neck, and I've got the Driving Instructor training ball rolling.
I pfaffed around for most of the morning getting nothing done, once I had decided to get my backside in gear I started tidying up the kitchen and was gathering the recycling together to put out in the recycling bins, I got to the front door and it was locked. I couldn't find my keys and spent the rest of the afternoon searching for them. I was stuck in the house until John came home from work. I still haven't found them, yet they must be in the house as I used them to open the front door to let us in last night. I have managed to find a spare front door key to add to my spare car key so I can get out of the house and drive but I'm damned if I can locate my original keys. I shall keep scouring the house.
Then, I noticed the little skin tag I've had on my neck for the past couple of years was rather red and sore to touch. It also looked bigger than normal too. It really was tender to touch and in such a place it rubs against my clothes and neck chain. By the time I was leaving for aqua class early evening, it had turned black and is very painful indeed. If it's no better by Thursday then I think I'll go to the doctors to get it checked out and chopped off.
So before aqua class and John coming home to let me out, so to speak, I thought I might as well phone the Driving Instructor Instructor to sort out filling in the relevant forms to apply for the training grant. He was out at the time but I left a message for him to call be back later in the evening. He did call me back and I'm dropping the forms off at his house tomorrow, I've also checked out the link he gave me to sort out the CRB check I need to start my training and booked an assessment session with him for 4.30 this Friday, so he can see how I drive and show me how I should be driving. ARGH! I've set the ball rolling now, and it's becoming a little bit more real.
Tomorrow, I might get round to phoning HMRC to sort out claiming my tax back. Tomorrow is also the day I have a new fireplace and fire fitted in the front living room. I haven't told John about this, I just took the executive decision and ordered it and tomorrow morning they're coming to remove the 1950's tiled affair we have at the moment and replace it with a rather fetching limestone fireplace and hearth with built in downlighters and nice chrome electric fire inset. I hope they finish before he comes home!
Now I'm thinking about it, I've yet to hear from the UPVC company we had round a few weeks ago to order a new front bedroom window, bay window sealed unit and new facias, soffits and guttering. Maybe another job for tomorrow, give them a call and chase them up. A busy day could be in store tomorrow, as I have another aqua class in the morning too. I need to write a list I think....
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