Thursday, 30 June 2011

Not the best of days today.

My back pain is terrible today, I think it's because I've been overdoing it a bit (ok, a lot!) in the garden. Even my hydrotherapy session midday wasn't great. My physio could tell without me saying anything, so it must have been bad. My exercises were laboured and a good blast with the water jet on my back didn't really help that much. Boo.

I got home, had a salad for lunch which was very nice then decided to go back out to the garden and make a start painting the mini picket fencing we have to edge the new flower bed. So I planted myself and my paint pot on the patio table and made a start, I managed to get a first coat on everything then my back really had given up the ghost. Maybe tomorrow I'll finish it off.

Today was strike day for lots of public sector workers, and my union was was of those out on strike over pensions. I'm still a paid up union member and for once I actually agree with what they're striking about, but as I'm no longer in employment I couldn't really do anything proactive. Shame really, but I do hope that something gets sorted out as working longer for less pension really is not on.

I did have some good news though, I had a text message from my best mate Emma today, she and her husband are off on holidays and I've said that they can leave their car here while they're away, then I'll pick them up from Bristol airport when they get back. She text me to say they'll be here Sunday afternoon. So a flying visit but something to look forward to!

Here's hoping I have a better day tomorrow....

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