Sunday, 26 June 2011

Hot, sweaty and sunburned.

Phew! It's been a scorcher today, 82 degrees I'll have you know! However, I've spent a day in the garden again and yes, fence painting did happen, but today I got my husband involved doing hard labour digging out the lower flower bed near the patio. It was full of weeds and it spoiled the view of the garden from the kitchen window. This is what it looked like first thing this morning.

Yes full to the brim with stuff and an unloved fence too. This little area of the garden wasn't even in my masterplan, I hadn't got that far in the plan in my head! Husband set to with a pitch fork and dug it all out. It took him quite a while and I couldn't help him really so I went and did girly things like more fence painting in pretty colours! So after all his digging and a trip to the dump with a car full of garden, it looked like this.

I had started to paint the unloved fence by now as you can see, still lots to do though and the sun was getting hotter. The large plank of wood you can see here will eventually be screwed into the bottom of the fence posts to hold back the earth at the top where the lawn ends, I'll probably paint it the same colour as the fence. At the end of what seemed the longest day ever in the sunshine (and I'd lost count how many glasses of water I managed to drink!) we eventually ended up with this.

Transformed! The fence looks half decent now but needs another coat (and I managed to get the feather edge fence painted too, bonus!) So now it's all dug over, it needs some compost dug into it, then I think my plan is to keep it simple and just plant some lavender in there (as the bees love it) and mulch it with gravel. Maybe tomorrow I shall buy some lavender plants...

A good day all in all with lots done and to end our day gardening we had a BBQ and ate al fresco, topped off with some chill out time sat on the garden swing on the top deck, over looking our hard work.

Tomorrow is the start of week 2 of laydee of leisure time and there are things I need to do, doctors appt first thing for a fasting blood test, bp check and check up smear. I have to contact HMRC to sort out claiming a chunk of tax back from my redundancy payment and finally I need to contact the Instructor I've chosen to teach me so we can sort out paperwork and book a driving assessment lesson. It's becoming real!

It's Sunday evening and I'm relaxed and don't have that Sunday night pit of the stomach feeling that can only mean work on Monday morning. It's rather quite nice to feel relaxed for a change, long may this continue I say!

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